The Liquid Amino diet promotes weight loss at an unhealthy rate. It is essentially putting your body into starvation mode, so the weight is leaving for a limited amount of time. This product is not going to produce you long term results the healthy way, just take a look at a few real customers who put their trust in the Liquid Amino Diet.
Dieters that have taken part in the Liquid Amino Diet have seen results. We are skeptical though, because during this program the calorie consumption is drastically reduced, which can help an individual lose weight.
How much of the weight is actually lost from the overpriced amino drops? We do not think a majority of the weight is coming off because of the drops at all, rather the caloric consumption being reduced.
Some red flags:
- The company claims you can lose an unrealistic amount of weight in the first 30 days.*
- They also state that the diet is not meant to go over 90 days.*
- While they are teaching health and educating on proper foods, the drops seem like an extra way to take money from the customer.
- A majority of negative customer reviews over positive customer reviews on third party websites.*
When I was on the website, I could not find any clinical studies done to back up the reason to which their products work for weight loss. This had me worried, and skeptical on their proven research they speak highly about.
There are 3 phases of the program. One of the phases includes the products, and the other two are simply to just eat healthy. Why not save hundreds of dollars, and just eat healthier?
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